The Covenant Eyes Podcast
Welcome to The Covenant Eyes Podcast! Each week, your host, Karen Potter, MA Ed., and co-host, Rob Stoddard, with Covenant Eyes, interview world-class guests who provide practical, relevant, and biblical perspectives on topics that matter to you and your church. In a digital age filled with endless temptations and distractions, our mission is clear: to empower individuals and families to navigate the online landscape with integrity and accountability.
Each episode features engaging conversations with thought leaders, ministry leaders, cybersecurity experts, therapists, and individuals who have triumphed over or helped others find freedom from sexual brokenness. We dive deep into topics like pornography, marriage, betrayal trauma, culture, parental controls, and the importance of accountability in the virtual realm. Together, we'll uncover the secrets to fostering healthy relationships, nurturing personal growth, and embracing a digital world that empowers rather than ensnares.
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The Covenant Eyes Podcast
Alexander Pagani EXPOSES the Generational Curse of P*rn
Join The Covenant Eyes Podcast for a powerful discussion on generational curses and their impact on our lives. Pastor Alexander Pagani, a renowned author and minister, shares his insights on how these deep-rooted patterns can affect our relationships, addictions, and overall well-being. Discover practical strategies for breaking free from generational curses and experiencing lasting freedom.
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Hey everybody, welcome to The Covenant Eyes Podcast. We are live at the NRB Conference 2024 and gosh, it has been an amazing two days. We have met so many new friends. Today is not an exception. We are actually going to be talking about a really interesting topic today, generational curses. So I'm really excited to dive into that. Rob, who do we have joining us? Yeah, yeah. So you're right. We've talked to so many wonderful people and I'm excited about this next one. Our guest today is Alexander. Pagani. Thank you. Thank you, pastor and author. And, yeah. So, Alexander, tell us a little bit about yourself, your background in, your ministry. Well, first and foremost, I got saved in 1992 while serving a nine year prison sentence. Yeah. So Jesus Christ came in my cell. I had a born again experience. And from the time of 1992 to about 1998, you know, I serve the Lord behind prison doors. Yeah. Upon release, got involved in ministry. And then I'm getting called to the pastorate. It was a young pastor, was the youngest pastor in New York City. While I was in prison, the Lord gave me a dream that I would be a young urban pastor. Yes. And then I will be reaching inner city youth to the church. Right. So we've been doing that since. Well, this year makes 20 years serving as lead pastor. Now, here's what's interesting is, is that when I first started pastoring, there was no such thing as the internet. Yeah, right. There was no such thing as cell phones. So I was there when the advent of cell phone and internet hit the church. And it was there that the spiritual climate of our church drastically changed because now pornography, which used to be you had to go to Times Square or some local store that a peep show store, you know, now it's coming to you. Right. So it was around that time that pornography hit. It gripped our church. Yes. You know, and I didn't know how to help them get free. Yeah. There was no such thing as Covenant Eyes. So shameless plug here. There was no such thing as Covenant Eyes. It was just prayer, fasting and deliverance. So I ended up writing a book on deliverance. And then now the sequel to it is, Secrets of Generational Generational Curses. But let me just say this. What you're doing is so need focus. Our church uses it. Not only do we help people go through deliverance, but you need practical accountability. Yes, with websites such as yours. So I would encourage everyone to get involved. In a nutshell, that's what we've been doing for the last at least ten years. The Ministry of Deliverance I've been pastoring for 20 years, helping people get set free. Excellent. Amazing. Well, let's dive into a little bit. I love the fact that you're working in an urban area and you're helping going out New York City. Yeah, yeah. You're going, you know, you're going after the youth and trying to reach that generation, right? Talk to me a little bit about what you're seeing on the, you know, at the ground level with the youth and technology and pornography. Oh, man. Full blown, thrust into Satanism. Yeah. And spirituality. Yeah. Even if the average. Because primarily a large percentage of where our church is located is what it's called hip hop culture. Yes. So that's a whole different sector that the church has yet to really dive into. Right? We're in that world. What we're noticing is, is that hip hop music, if you notice now, even in award shows, yes, Satanism is blown full blown. Here's what's interesting is Satanism has nothing to do with hip hop culture. Why is Satanism in hip hop culture now? Because there is an agenda to infiltrate. Satanism now is not just when it used to be rock n roll and maybe rock, a heavy metal, death metal. Now it's infiltrating in all sectors of music. So that's kind of like where it's at. So with that being said, there has to be an initiative by the Christian church to counter attack that with only one aspect of the of the kingdom, one is the preaching of the gospel, but it's the ministry of deliverance, which is confrontation of demonic powers. So our church now has returned to what we would call demonology without glorifying the devil, but an exploring back. And I would think that at this point the church would not resist it, because, you know, for a long time the church resisted anything that had to do with spiritual warfare. Yes. But because it is so blatant, yeah, I think the church now is more open to it. So that's why we wrote this book to kind of help pastors and leaders kind of have a foundational understanding to be able to go into that world. That's it is such an area that the church doesn't really acknowledge or talk about or they don't you don't hear it, you know? Right. Just want to be nice and easy and clear and. They want to be churched out. So we say they just want to be churchy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The 2-hour church or one hour and a half, when I have two fast songs, a slow song, a 20 minute message, and go home. Oh we got a schedule to keep. No man. We gotta help these people. We gotta help these people. Yeah, well, going back to the youth, I mean, they are struggling today, and they're leaving the church like never before, right? How are you? How are you finding how is your church finding ways to to I mean, you're using hip hop, right? How are you getting people, young people into the church? And what do you you know what's reaching them today? Okay, so first let me say this. Our church is not a young people church. We have a thriving youth and young adult ministry, you know, and I believe that they are the present church and then become the future church. Yes, I'm ready to retire. I've been pastoring 20 years. I don't see me doing this for 50 years. All right, like I got I need to move on. Yeah. I'm saying, here's what I've learned is that when the church really lives out the Bible, you don't need to entertain people, right? If you haven't. We haven't done nothing. I'ma be honest with you. We haven't done anything of entertainment. Our church don't really do pizza parties like that. If it happens, it happens. But if we get into the Bible, we get our young people into Scripture. Yeah, we find and because we believe it, it's not like we preach it and then like say, okay, God doesn't do this anymore, but he does that. We just believe it. Yeah. We find right now at least the youth and young adult is the most thriving department in our church. Sunday morning, 7:00 am they're already at church praying. I believe it. Yeah, at church praying. But it has translated over into all departments of the church. Here's what I've learned. Like I said, if you just do the church according to the Book of Acts, yeah, you'll get Book of Acts results. Yeah, yeah. So that's what's been working for us in the Bronx. And we have the fastest growing church in the Bronx. That's amazing. Long lines on Sunday, social media house. Yeah. And obviously the Ministry of Deliverance in the movies that we were part of, that kind of helps in the marketing of the church. But we haven't done anything other than just be the book of acts type of church that's targeted porn, specifically porn. That's on Sundays as a Sunday message. Yeah, yeah, as a Sunday message. You know here that much? Awesome. Yeah. So let's talk a little bit about because I, I'm really intrigued by the generational curses element. I mean, that's something I think is definitely impacting what we're seeing going on. I mean, there's legacy, you know, generations now are being addicted to pornography. I mean, dads are bringing that in. And now the next generation, right. Talk to us a little bit about what we can expect from this book about generational curses and how that's impacting. Right. So I wrote this book as a frustration with the deliverance ministry. Okay. And I got frustrated because I kept seeing the same people coming week after week on the same deliverance line over and over. So I began to pray, it's okay, God, what am I doing wrong in deliverance, you know? Or is this deliverance idolatry? Or is this deliverance attention seeking? Yeah, because it does happen. Let's just be honest. People just want attention, right? So when I begin to pray, the Holy Spirit said it's because in this particular phase of their life, it's not a demon issue, it's a generational curse issue. So it took me five years to unpack that. Wow. It took me a lot to unpack that because it's not readily open and visible in the New Testament. You have to dig for it a little bit. It's hidden in there, but I think it's hidden in there for a purpose. Because the Book of Proverbs says is the glory of God to conceal a matter, and it's a glory of kings to search no matter out. And what does the Bible says the kingdom is? The kingdom is like a man searching for a pearl of great price. And when he finds it, he gives everything he has. Now we know that talks about Jesus and salvation, yes, but he's also talking about revelatory truths that God says, well, if you want to know what's really happening, seek me for it. So I want to know a pursuit of God. I need answers, especially in New York, especially in the Bronx. Yeah. And when I found what was called hereditary patterns of behavior, which we're not going to take that out. That's the psychological way of saying it. Yeah. The Bible calls it generational curses. Yeah. And then you read I. But though I will curse to the third and fourth generation. Yes. Here's what's interesting. We love to believe in generational blessings. Yes. Yeah. We love the blessing part. But yes, you can't have the blessing without the curse part because the curse is the opposite of the blessing. So if the blessings are activated and the curses are activated, so then what we need to do is find out what are those sins that if a person commits them, activates a generational curse? Yes. And I found many. I'm going to give you one. And I'm sure you can agree with this. Witchcraft. Yeah. The bloodline taps into witchcraft. You already know. Yes, but believe it or not, pornography opens the door to a curse of sexual perversion that leads to. So, you know. So I just want your viewers to know, you know, that a porn issue that you fail to confront in one generation grows in the next one. And let me even show you biblically where this act right now, your viewers don't have to agree with me on this, but in seminary it is believed. And I'm not saying that it is, but it is kind of like believed that. David, maybe and you can look this up and many theologians that are watching will say, yeah, they do teach in Bible school, in seminary, in the advanced level, that David might have been the result of a relationship, of an affair of his father, which is why David said in sin my mother conceived me. That is what is believed in theology. And I don't know if that's true or not. Right. But what I do know is Jesus says, I am the root of Jesse. Yeah, notice how he doesn't say I'm the root of David on the root of Solomon. Now, if you look at that from that lens of what if, David? Which is why, when the prophet came and said, are these all your sons? He said, yeah, he's all my sons. It wasn't all his sons. Yeah. There was another Solomon. So obviously look what happened. Let's say that is true. Even if it's not, the analogy could be there and it's powerful. Let's say he messed up one time, Jesse, and he tried to hide it. We know that what you hide in one generation grows in the next one. So he messed up once. David messed up seven times. David had multiple issues with women, right? Right. And then it grew to 700 times. Yeah. Solomon had 700 wives. Yeah. So it lust kept growing from one generation to the next. And what happened with Solomon? It drove him away from the Lord. That's what happens. This is how, and I'm really trying to let your viewers know if you're struggling with porn, you need to get involved with Covenant Eyes because you think maybe it's just a lust issue with you, but that thing will grow on your children, and next thing you know, your babies are having babies and then they're having children out of wedlock, and then they and then they're getting contract. The sexually transmitted diseases are ruining lives. That's why Jesus said, I'm the root of Jesse. I go to the root of the problem and I break the curse at the root. And that's why the Bible says I'm the God of David. I'm the God of Solomon. I'm also the root of the. Why? Because God will break the curse of sexual perversion in the bloodline. I talk about that extensively in our book. Thank you. I mean, that is. Yeah, me preaching here, you're giving for somebody. Okay, let's collect the let's collect the offering. Now. Preacher. Right. Yeah, yeah. You know, in, is so wonderful you're dealing with these issues in the church because, like I said, most churches know they are afraid of it. They don't want to talk about it. You know, and for a lot of reasons might be they're struggling with it. It's uncomfortable. Yeah it does. But when a church talks about it right. And it's transparently they're letting people know there's healing here. Right. And we can help with that in it's safe you know. Yeah. It's a sin though. You know we're going to talk about that and there's consequences of that. But there's forgiveness and there's grace here. There's freedom. Yes, freedom. And there's communities that can help you. Yeah. Be accountable. So that's not only you get free, but you stay. Yeah. Yeah. Safely. So God bless that message because we're trying to we're trying to get that message to more and more pastors. So let me pray for you. So, Father, in the name of Jesus, to those who have never heard of this ministry. And for those who are struggling with sexual perversion in all facets, whether it's physical, emotional, mental. Father, I pray that Covenant Eyes Lord would expand Lord to reach those that are unreachable. Lord and that multitudes of the captives will be set free. I pray that the anointing for deliverance also would accompany this ministry, and only where they help hold people accountable, but that chains will be broken at the same time. In Jesus mighty name, Amen. Amen, Amen, Amen. Thank you so much. Oh my goodness. Well, that doesn't usually happen on, but. I just kind of thing I'm not great for the Lord. The Lord you do. It doesn't. Covenant Eyes with ministries of deliverance, I think will probably be the next phase of where this ministry needs to go. Oh, amazing. Amazing. Well, with that I mean, what else would you like to share with our listeners is an important takeaway for this interview. You know, what can we leave them with and what next steps should they take? I think I think if I could encourage as a senior pastor for the last 20 years of a 350 member church, which I think is a significant size, know, especially in New York, that's considered a semi megachurch, you know, because it's not a lot of people out there. I would say that pastors and leaders would reconsider this topic. Yeah. And ask God for boldness to speak about it. More on a Sunday. Yes. Yeah. And more freely. Yes. And I would even encourage take a chance and do a Sunday dedicated just for that. Yeah. You don't have to name it on Sunday. Yes. But you could name it something like, I believe you guys have a ministry Safe Haven or what's. It called. That. Yes. And say we're going to focus on that and really focus on it, not say that we need to focus on it, really tackle. Because sometimes people say they talk about that. We need to focus on it. They think that that's focusing on it. Right? It's not focusing on, you know what I'm talking about, right? Yeah. Guys, we need to focus on perversion. And they think that that's talking. About who did it to. Focus on sexual perversions. If if it's safe to remove all the stigma, stigma on some of the terms, then do that. Do it. But then do this. Do an altar call afterwards for those struggling. Yes, you're going to be surprised. And then and then do this. I know most that are on staff. They won't come up. The people will come up. Yeah. After the people leave, do another altar call for the staff privately. Yes. And you'd be surprised half of your staff will come up and yes, suffering. Absolutely. It never fails. Even while I've been here with you guys, people asking me for prayer porn and being separated from their wives, literally while I've been here. Yes. And they took me to the side. These are pastors. Yes. They need freedom. They do. Okay. If you're watching, you can be set free. Absolutely not. Alone. Bless God. Yes. Pastor Alexander, how do people find you? Find your book, find your information that can help. Where? It's simple. They could go to Charisma House Publishing and they can pick up the book first book, Secrets of Deliverance. And in the second book, the the sequel, Seekers and Generational Curses. But if they enjoy topics like what we're talking about today, maybe spiritual warfare is some of the more deeper things of the kingdom then they can just find me on social media. YouTube. Yeah, Alexander Pagani over YouTube and Facebook. I'm always I'm an online guy. Not hard to find me. And then I'll be able to point them in the right direction with resources and videos dealing with topics like this. So that's them. Okay, so for our all of the listeners, here's a copy of the book. Again. We'll put some links in the show notes. So check it out. Thank you so much pastor. We appreciate your time. My gosh. Thank you for being a friend to Covenant Eyes and let us know how we do. And I'm putting it out there. We need to do a Covenant Eyes revival crusade. You bring me out, we do a Covenant Eyes, we do this and then we do deliverance at the same time. Oh my gosh power. Send them an email and say we want a revival service with Apostle... I love! I love it. Bring him in. Yes. Let's do it. Yeah. Well, thank you so much. Absolutely. Thank you. Thank you to our listeners for tuning in to this episode of The Covenant Eyes. We hope you learned something and also will check out these great resources. God bless. Take care. We'll see you next time.